Child Of God

*.* Child of God *.*

Her name is Sharon yap.
She ages on every 19 April.
She used to be a konghwaiian but currently a BDSian.
She loves her friends very much but hates certain people.
If you hate her, you can click the big red 'X' on the top right hand corner of your computer screen.
If you love her, you are most welcome to stay.
But you MUST remember to tag her blog or she'll be sad.
She wishes that you have a happy time here!!! :]

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Found at Blogskins

Friday, August 7, 2009

*.* What a day... *.*

Today went to school
Check the prefect board thingy for the name to see if need to go for the interview
Went to class
Take temperature
Someone temperature hit the trigger point(Not telling who)
Went to hall
Saw the damn DM and dun feel like doing anything
She's damn pro sia
Counted how any days we were not in the hall
Boring assembly programme
Just read out the national day message, see some letter thingy from some website
The hall was damn pissing hot....
Wanted to dip in a tub of cold, ice cooling water....
After all the boring thing ended
The amazing race begin!
It wasn't that amazing actually but still ok
Didn't win the prize
End of school.....
Went with Cassine and Celine to siglap KFC then later go to McDonald's.
Bored so went to Parkway Parade see see things
Met a particular person at Giant
Went around seeing useless things
Went to the library to read some books
Cassine borrowed my phone to send Echizen Ryoma's pictures from Prince of Tennis!
Saw this old man carrying a pink bag
Wa, carry the bag so high
Cassine keep laughing
Saw this lady then Cassine hurry take some random books
Guess what? The whole book was about monkeys!?!?!?!?!
Kept laughing at the monkeys
Celine took some pics(Go her blog to check out the pics. I think its there)
Went home
Chiong finish the maths revision 9
So tired....

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