Hello~! Finally back after a long break! xD After exams, feeling super slack! Currently crazy over this show, Big Time Rush! <3 LOL. That day, went out to play pool with others! Met this new guy and find him super super handsome! xD GOSH!
K, bye! :D
Signed off @ | 3:12 PM

Saturday, September 4, 2010
*.* I'm back! *.*
Hi everyone!
I'm finally back after a long time of not updating my blog!
Anyway, there's lots of good, bad and unexpected things coming along the way!
First, last tuesday, went to mrs leong house to meet her and some friends...
Had lots of fun meeting old friends :)
So many people changed- some grew taller, some changed a lot, some grew more handsome and prettier :)
The next day, brag about it to everyone in my class, especially fizah, iris and elizabeth!
On thursday, went to kallang leisure there to buy special someone something. :)
Wanted to go to the kallang cage but end up all the way on the other side... How stupid :)
Went to kfc for dinner and to break fast with fizah...
Started talking about a certain someone that all of us don't really like/don't like...
Finallyas! People who share the same view as me! Thank you! :)
Went to my house downstairs to play at the playground...
Next day, same people came to my house and play again :)
Watched some stupid movie and started side tracking to avatar's new series, the legend of roka.
So cool!!! Can't wait for it to come out!
The others went home...
Went roller blading with my mum at east coast park.
Still kind of suck at it...
Went home and was super tired...
On saturday, went to novena for some thing.
Head on down to suntec to get my sister's now htc phone.
Was damn bored there, so come home with my brothers and mum first...
In the end, sister got it.
Then i started exploring the whole phone and stuff.
Bathe, ate dinner and went down for some small session.
Came up and started watching korean drama.
Younger brother came to snatch with me.
Got damn pissed and started scolding him on facebook.
Can't stand him!
Oh well, anyway, that's all for whatever's happening recently. :)
Have a good night and sweet dreams :)
Signed off @ | 11:21 PM

*.* After a long time *.*
Haven't blogged in a while...
Ever since the end of exams, I watched like 3 korean dramas online.
Including the latest one, Stairway To Heaven, is 4 during this holiday!!!
The first one I watched is You're Beautiful...
OMG!!! That show is damn nice!!!
The next one is Oh! My Lady.
LOL, the main character guy is Siwon sia... HAHAHA
The 3rd korean drama is Personal Taste.
Then other times went out with friends...
Last thursday, went out with Deborah, Cassine, Zhaoyi and Winnie.
Watched Karate Kid...
Then wanted to go Escape but Cassine don't want, then Winnie cannot...
So in the end, Deborah and I went together with Cassine...
Then later Winnie say can go.
So Deborah and I turn back.
Then later say cannot.
Wa sian sia, so irritating.
So in the end I went home cause it was like 5+pm...
Went to White Sands Popular to buy pen ink...
Currently watching Stairway To Heaven...
OMG!!!! It's freaking sad sia...
And damn exicting!!!
Now nothing much to post, post another time :D
Signed off @ | 10:43 PM

*.* After exams *.*
Finally after exams!!!
Scored quite okay for exams...
Had a debate competition today.
Came in second quite disapointed...
Currently watching this freaking nice korean drama...
At the last episode!!!
Today finally can watch the last episode :D
Okay, now I'm BORED...
Signed off @ | 12:53 PM

*.* April :D *.*
I didn't post for a very long time.
My birthday is coming, turning 14 so fast...
Anyway, April Fool's Day I fooled a lot of people...
Freaking funny :D
I think its recently that I like this particular person...
Always thinking and thinking of him...
Anyway, my class started playing this Angel and Mortal game.
At first I got Cassine.
I was FREAKING happy :D
But later had to change the mortal and angel.
I was FREAKING sad D:
Now got a new mortal.
Luckily is a girl :D
My school's 30th anniversary is coming soon.
And almost the whole school is involved :D
Almost like 3/4 of my class is involved in 30th anniversary :D
Anyway, today was damn fun!
In the morning had PG but we had a headstart on PW.
Working with Cassine, Deborah, Patrice and Azaria.
YAYY!!! Two of my best friends :D
Winnie seemed to have a hard time coping with her groupmates...
Today Azaria made me laugh like hell :d
He was freaking funny.
Cassine laughed like hell as well :D
Normal lessons later...
After science, Shi Hui told she saw my special someone, so I rushed out and saw his back :D
SO HOT!!!!
So, english came...
This time I really can confirm that Lindsey likes Mathias...
She was smiling at him throughout the whole lesson!!!
It seems like Mathias doesn't want to face the ugly truth...
That's quite sad...
Should have seen Yanting's facial expression than I can further conclude that she likes Mathias :D
Maths came, and soon, school's over. :D
I shall post another time then, BYE :D
Signed off @ | 4:31 PM

*.* HOLIDAYS *.*
It's the school holidays!!!
But it' damn boring...
I nearly died of boredom yesterday.
That's why I keep myself free by doing the uncompleted maths work.
Today went to school for maths remedial class.
Followed by some leader's workshop.
The workshop was damn funny
I was laughing so badly until my stomach hurts
Currently blogging at school
Attended this course
Actually there's other courses but the others were too boring
So the facebook and blogging is the m,ost interesting one.
Okay, post another time then.
Signed off @ | 2:48 PM

*.* Common test results *.*
Recently got back my results.
English: Improved from 32/100 to 72/100 :)
Maths: 29/40
Chinese: Falied
Science: 36/50
I can't believe I didn't get top for maths.
I was quite disappointed.
I was really happy for my english as I have improved a lot compared to the last common test.
Science also improved a bit.
The next common test I must strive for the best.
Today was damn funny :)
Clare and Cassine were going gaga over this super cute hot guy.
It's such a pity because we didn't even notice him last year and only recently realized he existed.
And the weirdest thing: He's starting to get famous cause all the girls want his number!!! HAHAHA.
Anyway, today history was freaking fun for Clare and I.
While waiting for Cassine to come up with the photocopied papers, Clare and I were like bitching about some people in our class.
I can't say exactly bitching but yup, we did it.
Saying that they changed a lot and became bitchier than before, but they themselves don't even realize the change.
I hate people like this, freaking irritated.
Came back from camp recently and don't know why I was damn pissed and irritated by someone.
Oh ya, by the way, THE SEC ONE CAMP WAS WAY AWESOME!!!
THE SEC ONE'S ROCK TO THE CORE!!! *claps claps claps*
Although there were many insects crawling here and there, and some ants even bit me, but it was damn fun.
We tried our best to bond the class together and guess what?
I successfully did it.
The trainer said that although there was this class that was very unco-operative on the first day, they managed to bond with each other at the end of the third day.
And guess what class is that?
Oh yeah, IT'S 1F!!!!
Love everyone in the class.
All very kind students, except for some that are super irritating.
If we are lucky next time to meet again, then...GOOD :)
Anyway, today CO sucks.
The teacher scolded us for going to camp.
What kind of crapness is that?
Freaking irritated by her.
Came home, bathe, eat dinner and started slacking.
Was freaking tired so decided to use sis com.
Used, currently blogging about my day.
Freaking tired now, gotta go sleep :)
Love you guys too much :) <3
Signed off @ | 10:13 PM