*.* Back to Kong Hwa *.*
AHHH! So sad.......
Went back to kong hwa, saw
him but never talk to
him.... -_-
Met Mrs Leong, heard that this is her last year in kong hwa...
Transferring to some sch near Vivo...
We're all gonna miss you....Met weiliang, darren, sam, terrence tham, zhaiyang n elton.... Sian...
Also met rachel, jiayun, yiru, erika, yingyi, hester, sherry n gina(maybe got more)
Rachel and us(you know who) snatch the ball from the boys....
Elton use force....ev'ryone shocked...(not really)
Ate with hester at the badminton area there...
Went to her house playground....
Saw this stupid little malay girl.....
So irritating....
Stick out her tongue at us and still got the guts to scold us stupid!
Secretly sms darren that we are at the playground...
When he reply that time, hester about to go home.....so sad
Told darren through sms
Went to Guardian, on my way there saw the guys but dun wanna shout across...paiseh
Went home, bro's primary sch friends were at home...
Damn noisy...
Went to facebook, check out ex-classmates facebook
Saw this pic....
Guess what?
He was there!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
So sad, wanted to be included into the pic with
All in all, happy but sad at the same time.... -_-
Anyway, go to this url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqC6H76X9y4&feature=fvst
Labels: friends, him, kong hwa, url
Signed off @ | 4:42 PM

*.* Why do we always have so little time? *.*
Today I'm quite pissed...
First, I feel like I have very little time to do my favourite things.
Second my brother keep asking me to help him play neopets.
Third, Veoh the Prince of Tennis video load so slow....
But luckily, after so long I finally got the song I wanted.
Canon in D major!
Labels: Piss, song and brother
Signed off @ | 7:12 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009
*.* Somewhat of a day *.*
Today's post is quite short...
Wake up in the morning
Eat breakfast
Wait and slack
Use the com for CME homework
Go facebook and play typing maniac
Read 'Kaichou wa Maid-sama!' the manga
Go church and pray
Come home, eat dinner and continue to read manga
Going to watch Prince of Tennis soon...
~Ending here~
Labels: facebook, Manga
Signed off @ | 8:48 PM

*.* At Iris's house *.*
Yesterday was so fun!
Went to iris house to celebrate deborah's birthday
We ate Fondue then eat the chocolate cake that taste like brownie
Then later we go and play frizbee, then the frizbee fly into iris neighbour house
Tried to get it but the neighbour not in( I think)
So in the end we play captain ball
Play play play
Then later the neighbour came and we got back the frizbee
Then later we decided to go to the swimming pool
Celine, deborah and elizabeth went the wrong way
So winnie, cassine, fizah, iris and i went the other way
The later celine found us and we ran and go down the stairs
The iris slip and fall and hit her spine
So we hurry go to the carpark near there
Then from there we walk here walk there and went back to iris house
Then went cassine wanted to change her shoe celine came back
She was totally drench!
Then later cassine, celine, deborah and elizabeth went to swim
So fizah, winnie, iris and me stay in the house and slack
Then later winnie have to go home so in the end we sent her out
Then we went to check on the other four
All of us went back to the house and the four of them bathe
Iris and I played frizbee and fizah played ball.
Then we started talking about private stuff
Then later all of us went to 7 eleven and buy stuff
On our way there, we were talking about the ghost month
And when we were at shop n save there, we saw mr samsul(i dunno how to spell)
Then later we went back to iris house and wanted to go to song jun's house but in the end ever la
Then we talk again and elizabeth, fizah and I go home
Waited for the bus very long...
Went home freakin tired...
Signed off @ | 2:12 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009
*.* Going out with ex-konghwaiins *.*
Monday was the best day ever!
Went out with Jia Le, Hester, Darren, Sam , Sean, Zhai Yang and of course Wei Liang.
Wa, ev'rybody change...
Sean-Nothing much, maybe funnier than before
Sam-Grow taller
Darren-Grow taller and become more funny( I think)
Zhai yang-Voice change, grow taller but....still have a poker face(find out the meaning yourself)
Wei liang-Grow taller than me(kinda piss), voice change still quite shy( I think)
Hester-Change hairstyle, prettier and kinda nice to irritate:)
Jia le-Still the same I guess
It started like this....
Hester and I went to Jia le's house to borrow mangas
Three of us went to tampines mall to meet the guys
They say meet at Mcdonald's but we didn't see them
So we continue to stay there and look out for them
We went out of tamp mall and see if we miss them and were waiting for us
About to go in that time then saw them
They were all sitting in one corner slacking around
The Zhai say they will get up and go if Singapore started to snow
I'm like what the fag
Then later dunno why we were following the guys into the arcade
Then the 3 girls went into minitoons to buy a present for hester's friend
Jia le wanted to give the birthday card which I bought for him as his birthday was on national day...
He was damn shy to receive the card...
Later they go Century square
And again the 3 of us went into comic connection to see see things la
And I bought this thing for jia le and she buy something for me as well
Then we go and buy the movie tickets
Btw, the movie we watch was 'Up'
So going to watch movie soon
Cos there are 3 girls and 5 boys so unequal
So means 1 guy have to seat with the 3 girls
And so we draw lots
Jiale was so unlucky...
Wei liang also...
Cos....they have to seat with each other!
I was seating with hester la
In the movies, wei liang dun wanna seat with jia le so he seat at sam's place
Then dunno for wad reason, sam was seating beside me.
Then we change and change and change and so the seating arrangement was......
Weiliang, sean, jia le and sam
Below them was me,zhai yang, darren and hester.
After watching the movie, zhai and liang gotta go home
So liang go home then the rest of us go to e-hub
But zhai gotta go home cos he told his mum that he go 4 remedial
Then sam follow zhai and the rest of us also follow la
Then when zhai go home that time, we got lost.
So we randomly walk
Walk and walk and walk until we are at a void deck with a mama shop nearby
Then later a bangalah guy with a basketball walk by
Then sean ask him how to go to e-hub at downtown east
The the guy say go straight den turn
All of us scared the guy trick us so we go ask the mama shop man
He also say the same thing
Then ok la, we reach e-hub
Then we wanna take neo prints, so go into the arcade.
Then the guys follow
Jia le want the guys to take neo with us so hester and her chase them to go in
I was inside the machine waiting and drink water
Then I saw them chasing then I spit out the water
Then take take take
Sam appear in like most of the pics la
So later hester and jia le go decorate the pic
Then i tell sean and darren that they must take the pics home
Then they like dun wan
Then later sean tell darren that he wanna be in charge of hester's wedding decoration
Then he say he wanna put the pic at her wedding then the boyfriend see already noe that hester damn bad.
Wa I was laughing like hell. I even spit out water.
Then we go pastamania go do some stuff
I share food with darren.
Then talk and laugh then go home
Hester and I went home with sam la, of course.
Then after hester and I drop off at paya lebar, we started talking about sam
Saying he's the kindest guy we have met through all the 13 years of our lives.
Then take bus and walk home.
The best day ever... :)
Labels: friends, movie, neo prints
Signed off @ | 12:14 PM

*.* What a day... *.*
Today went to school
Check the prefect board thingy for the name to see if need to go for the interview
Went to class
Take temperature
Someone temperature hit the trigger point(Not telling who)
Went to hall
Saw the damn DM and dun feel like doing anything
She's damn pro sia
Counted how any days we were not in the hall
Boring assembly programme
Just read out the national day message, see some letter thingy from some website
The hall was damn pissing hot....
Wanted to dip in a tub of cold, ice cooling water....
After all the boring thing ended
The amazing race begin!
It wasn't that amazing actually but still ok
Didn't win the prize
End of school.....
Went with Cassine and Celine to siglap KFC then later go to McDonald's.
Bored so went to Parkway Parade see see things
Met a particular person at Giant
Went around seeing useless things
Went to the library to read some books
Cassine borrowed my phone to send Echizen Ryoma's pictures from Prince of Tennis!
Saw this old man carrying a pink bag
Wa, carry the bag so high
Cassine keep laughing
Saw this lady then Cassine hurry take some random books
Guess what? The whole book was about monkeys!?!?!?!?!
Kept laughing at the monkeys
Celine took some pics(Go her blog to check out the pics. I think its there)
Went home
Chiong finish the maths revision 9
So tired....
Labels: anime, boring school, Monkeys
Signed off @ | 10:16 PM

*.* The fight *.*
Today sucks....
Seriously sucks
At first everything was ok
In the morning, went to church
Met Elizabeth,sit beside her,then the stupid teacher made me do something I dun wanna do
Come home,eat lunch,sssssssllllllllaaaaaacccccccckkkkkk; slack
Then later eat sushi, parents were about to go out to watch movie so they were changing
My f***** idiotic brother whom i now hate the most go and throw the damn stupid bread on the floor
Say he wanna step on it
Then i took the bread and threw at his precious ***
The he wanna throw back at me
My older sis stop him but he and his retarded brian dun wanna listen
So my sis scratch him
Then parents came out
Saw what happen
Started lecturing
The idiotic brother started crying saying it was all my fault
Fine la, my fault la, my fault la, happy? Very happy rite?
Said S.O.R.R.Y to the asshole
Wow, so S.A.R.C.A.S.T.I.C(heck care spell wrongly)
Said sorry to my sis
Accepted my apology
Moral of the story: Never ever, I repeat never ever have a bastard, idiotic,retarded brother like the one in my house now. N.E.V.E.R E.V.E.R!
Labels: bastard, brother, Idiotic, retarded, stupid
Signed off @ | 7:49 PM