Child Of God

*.* Child of God *.*

Her name is Sharon yap.
She ages on every 19 April.
She used to be a konghwaiian but currently a BDSian.
She loves her friends very much but hates certain people.
If you hate her, you can click the big red 'X' on the top right hand corner of your computer screen.
If you love her, you are most welcome to stay.
But you MUST remember to tag her blog or she'll be sad.
She wishes that you have a happy time here!!! :]

*.* Shoutout *.*

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*.* My Friends *.*

BDS Classmates
*Class Blog 2B
*Class Blog
*Rachel Wee
*Regine Fong
*Regine Yow
*Shi Hui
*Xin Kai

BDS Schoolmates
*Ker Li
*Racheal Huan
*Yuan Ting

KHS Classmates
*Jia Yun
*Ker Ji
*Xin Wei
*Xue Jin
*Yi Ru
*Yi Yin

KHS Schoolmates
*Brandon Gwee


*Kaichou wa Maid-sama Producers
*Anime Lyrics

*.* Archives *.*

Created by Charisma
Found at Blogskins

Sunday, August 23, 2009

*.* Why do we always have so little time? *.*

Today I'm quite pissed...
First, I feel like I have very little time to do my favourite things.
Second my brother keep asking me to help him play neopets.
Third, Veoh the Prince of Tennis video load so slow....
But luckily, after so long I finally got the song I wanted.
Canon in D major!

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Signed off @ | 7:12 PM