Saturday, October 31, 2009
*.* Super Junior *.*
Today nothing much to post
So just post Super Junior pictures!!!




Eun Hyuk
Signed off @ | 3:44 PM

*.* Last day of school and LF day *.*
Today's the last day of school and the learning fiesta day...
Last night was feeling damn hyper cos gonna get LF Tee
Also last day of school
Today reached school at like 7+ am
Went into class
So noisy and so many people
Damn hyper cos i watched Super Junior 'It's you'
And some super cute Ryeowook videos...
OMG!!! He's super cute la...
So cute and innocent and adorable!!!
Back to topic...
Told cassine about that
Suddenly heard there was duty
Went for duty
Came back to class after all those normal crap stuff
Heard that the LF Tee coming late
Then suddenly heard that the damn school reject the shipment
Wa lao!!!
Damn angry and sad la...
Angry cos I paid for the Tee and suddenly tell me cancel
Sad cos I nvr get to see the Tee design and waited so long for it..
Blah blah blah...
Mr Puvan came...
Went to our booth and Ken owned the whole presentation
Pro!!! :]
Went to Mac's with Deb and Cass...
Went to Cass house and slack
Played Wii like hell!!! :]
The golf part took up 1/2 hour of my time...
SUPER long...
Went home
Kinda got a scolding from mum
Use com
Stomach pain, went to toilet.....
Edited blogskin and stuff
SO COOL!!! :]
Dunno why feel kinda sad
Maybe cos leaving friends...
Labels: angry, blogskin, LF Tee, sad, wii
Signed off @ | 8:35 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
*.* Naggy old woman *.*
The stupid old
Kway Tiao so irritating la...
Everything must do her way...
Either she's reaching menopause soon or she already reach liao
Today everything was okay before she come lor
After she come chaos
She treat everyone like children sia
Slowly talk to us
I think even miss lim kinda buey song wif her la
Move the posters when we are in the correct way...
Leave some stupid blank space in between all the posters...
Keep on picking on alicia only...
Alicia damn freakin angry sia
Nag us in the ISH then keep talking about the same thing
Then later ask us to stay in the ISH then go back to class
Dunno wad to do den go back
Waited for cass, deb and winnie
Walk back to class and see what's happening
Kway Tiao scolding alicia
Walk back towards the toilet
Wanted to comb hair when I saw Clare and Regine Y.
Later saw yan ting and ask wad happen
Saw Cass, deb and winnie
Told me everything
Damn pissed with that stupid old menopaus-ing woman
So naggy sia
Wonder how 1A and 1C survive sia
Pissed.... :l
Labels: menopuse, naggy old woman, pissed
Signed off @ | 4:40 PM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
*.* Posters finally done! :] *.*
Nothing much happen over the past few days...
Ate at long beach cos my dad's birthday
The chili crab taste weirder than Jumbo
On monday, went out with cassine and deborah to parkway
Played the car game in timezone
Deborah owned us
Cass and I played the dancing thingy
Walk around
Went to comic connection and look look
Cass and deb buy some cards....
Went home ate father's cake
The cake was so chocolaty!!!
Yummmmmmyyyy!!!! :]
Today went to sch
Rushed to do finish the posters
Was damn pissed for some reason
Nearly cried, luckily nobody notice...
Shouted at Winnie
So sorry towards her
Cos sorta showed her attitude when she didn't do anything wrong...
So sorry Winnie!!!! :l
Skipped recess cos chiong to do finish the posters
Went to ISH and started pasting the posters
The guys carried the tables...
All the guys all carry table only Ken
Action action then never carry anythingCass and I were laughing away
Try to stick the boards on the table but no use
Here music in ISH
Keep changing the damn music lor
So irritating
Keep to the korean song can already mah
Got extra time
Do PW flie
Then the irritating say wei keep telling cass
'Song jun like you'
Cass was like...
'I dun give a damn'
So funny
Then i said 'Song jun like you' to cass
Luckily she didn't here
Later the stupid Alsagoff say wad dun need table...
Then the guys have to put the tables back
Started re-sticking all the posters on the wall
Went home
Chiong to put the pics in my phone
Went to parkway and print out
Later went to scout around for cass birthday present
Dunno what to give her....
Wen to comic connections
Look at the 2R cards or something
Got cheap sale sia!!!!! :]
So cheap.
10 cards for $3!!!! :]
Bought 10 of them
Tried to find Ya lun's pic but dunno why cannot find
Most of the pics are KIM HYUN JOONG!!!!!
Went home damn late
Ate dinner
Going to watch finish one episode of bleach
Currently lagging...
Post another time then!!!!! :]
Labels: bleach, comic connections, kim hyun joong, posters
Signed off @ | 8:51 PM

Saturday, October 24, 2009
*.* Boring.... *.*
Today woke up
Brush teeth
Eat some eggy stuff
Started playing the bubble thing
Asking winnie to help me buy some more.....
Eat lunch
Play com
Normal stuff
Bleach now damn boring
Nothing much now...
Post another time
Labels: anime, blogging, boring, facebook
Signed off @ | 4:43 PM

*.* Pissed *.*
I hate you.
Today give me that kind attitude.
Dun care rite?
This is a project work...
Do you understand from the meaning of project work?
It means to work together and stuff like that.
You leh?
Push all the work to me....
Everything also dunno
You retarded or what?
You know how to go iris house, pretend dunno...
Do you have any idea how irritating that is?
You act big...
Dun do what you say; mood swing
Wa scary...
Mood swing think we scared is it?
I dun really like you since February...
But now i changed; i hate you
And that feeling will never change....
You stupid fcuking retarded bitch
You have no idea how many people hate you...
I dun wanna mention names on my blog...
Cos i dun wanna embarrass people
Unlike you...
Loser from hell
All of us has been putting up with you for a long time
Sooner or later elizabeth will leave you la
And i can't wait for that day to happen
I wanna see the look on your face
You think you also very cool rite?
Well, this is the truth
You are a nerd and you suck....
Your skirt so long yet try to act cool by not doing homework
Your hair like guy la; makes people wanna puke
Your irritating face pisses everyone off
You should wear a mask to school
Hope you go NA
Dun have to join this smart class
You're just pure retarded
You dun belong in this society where everyone is smarter than you
I have many more things to tell the whole world but i'll stop here cos it's a waste of time complaining about you.
I hate you, Celine Oon Li Ting!!!!Labels: asshole, bitch, fucking irritating, pissed, retarded
Signed off @ | 5:39 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
*.* 2nd day of script checking *.*
Today got back geography, history and maths.
Geography okay la: 70.5
History so-so la: 68
Maths sucks: 62
So low la
The highest in my class only 65
And i got 62....
Some people arh, dunno what's in their brain
Can score like A1
Came home
Played com until 5.30
Bro threatened to tell my dad that I didn't off the com at 5pm
Say I must go run
Fine, went to run
On the way, met some people
Came home and watch some vineyard show
Now using com
Tomorrow going to Winnie's house to do PW!!!!!! :]
Currently hearing a not nice song....
Post another time!!!!!!!!!
Labels: pw, winnie
Signed off @ | 8:45 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
*.* Dragon Boating *.*
Today's dragon boating was so damn fun!!! :]
All the prefects and netballers go as well
I was in boat 1
SJ and clare was in boat 2
Reuben and ken was in boat 3
Mathias and his older sis was in boat 4
Rolling the boat like hell
Suddenly this guy started splashing water at us
I was wet
Then we ride past each other and started splashing water at each other
Freakin wet
Got competiton
Came in first!!!
Yayyyy!!! :]
Later some guy talking halfway
Sudden something happen to Reuben
When he walked past, he looked really pale
Later ask him if he's alright
Gave the thumbs up
And song jun and to say something unnecessary
Irritated by him.... :/
Today also got back result
English so-so la
Chinese okay-okay la
Better than before
Science so-so also la
Literature....dun talk about it
Flunked it
Wonder what are the other results for the upcoming paper...
Labels: dragon boating, fun, results
Signed off @ | 8:11 PM

*.* Public Holiday *.*
Yayy!!! Public holiday today!!!
Still, feel kinda bored at home...
Watching Bleach
Playing Resturant City
Quite boring la
Cassine asked me to go out
Dun feel like moving my ass
So say dun feel like going out
Deb felt bored as well
Everybody's like damn bored today....
Tomorrow gonna receive results back
Everyone nervous
Labels: bored
Signed off @ | 12:31 PM

*.* Parkway Parade *.*
Today woke up at 9+ cos I sorta heard some 'laser' blade sound from the TV
Brush teeth and get ready for the day
Watch Starwars
So interesting
Aniken Skywalker is freakin handsome and cute
Aiya so sad lor, he turned to the dark side....
Started packing stuff
Read manga
Went out for lunch
Went to church to fetch bros
Went to parkway parade for lunch
Eat at Ichiban Boshi I think
Eat until damn full sia
Went to QB and cut hair
Now fringe super short....
Dunno if I'll look weird if I go school.....
Buy bubble tea
Started using com
As usual,the compter lagged like hell
Put in new anime songs into phone and mp3
The new naruto shippuuden song rox!!!!! :]
Sign by FLOW
Now right here blogging
Gonna watch Hayate no Goyoku later
So sad....
Cassine not online.... :[
Wanna ask her about her special dream....
Post another time then! :]
Signed off @ | 6:53 PM

Saturday, October 17, 2009
*.* Boring saturday *.*
Today woke up at like 8+
Slack in bed for like 1/2 an hour
Really woke up to brush teeth
Follow sis to buy some food
After eating, watch this channel 5 show
Siblings and I went to Ah ma house to visit
Ah gong dun remember any of us at all
Saw the damn irritating maid
Her face makes me feel like puking.....
Went home and ate this special lunch my dad cooked for us
Playing computer
Mom wanted me to make some stuff
Didn't want to
Started nagging and being sarcastic and saying bad stuff in front of me
Continue to heck care her
Think she kinda piss now....Haha
Gonna watch
溏心風暴之家好月圓(Moonlight Resonance) and watch naruto shippuden as well
Post another time
Signed off @ | 3:27 PM

*.* Finally EOY end *.*
Finally the exams are over!!!!
Today maths paper was damn hard la
Even the other smart people cannot do sia
Went with deborah and cassine to the peer leader thing
Waited as the teacher interviewed one after another
Ev'ryone in the room was talking about someone
Saying that she cheated during the maths exam
She was outside so we ask her come in
Then we started asking her then she think we accuse her
Then she bang the door and started crying and ev'ryone was like .........
Went to mrt toilet and change
First time knowing that mrt got toilet...
Took mrt to tampines
Went to the basement or something and buy some stuff to eat
Went to Mos Burger
Went to Century Square and watch movie
Didn't know what to watch
Wanted to watch the meatball movie, then later change to 'Accident'
So in the end we watch 'Imagine That'
Movie was really funny
Recommended to watch
Went to tampines interchange and took bus 31 to marine parade
Went to the arcade then later walk around marine parade
Later went to KFC and eat popcorn chicken
Went home at about 5.45pm
Come home straight away use com
Went to facebook and saw some funny stuff about weiliang, winnie and other ppl
Tiring day but damn fun
Signing off....
Labels: facebook, friends, Tampines
Signed off @ | 7:14 PM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
*.* Cassine's house *.*
Currently blogging at cassine's house
Suppose to go home and study for exam but....haiya
Went cassine's house and watch this hong kong drama
The drama totally rocks sia!!!!!
Got BOSCO WONG who is like freakin cute!!!!! Can go crazy over him !!!!!
Deborah agrees with me lor but that casssine...
She keeps saying that BOSCO WONG is a freak when he's not.
She says that Moses chan is better but i think he okay la
Tomorrow literature but dunno what to study sia
Maths and geography coming but also haven study
I think this end of year cannot make it lor
Especially for maths when mid year I first in class....
Think this time Yan ting first....
Still stressing over who the so called mysterious 'Reuben' is....
What the fcuk la.....
Anyhow say me...
Everyone damn pissed with you la
And hurry tell us who you are if not we start accusing ppl
Arrrrgggghhhh...... Irritated and pissed....
Signing off now....
Labels: BOSCO WONG, cassine house, exams
Signed off @ | 3:26 PM

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Today woke up like damn early...
Like 7am or smth....
Damn tired now...
Went downstairs and buy breakfast from Weishan's mum stall....
Talk for a while then went home.
After breakfast, woke my sis up....
Suddenly mum started nagging....
Sit there and stone for 1/2 an hour.
Went to parkway parade.
Fetch bros to tuition then went Giant with my mum
Shop halfway then stomachache...Then suddenly no more
Continued to shop for crappy things....
Mum came back from the toilet....
This time really went to shop for groceries...
Dad came and find us...
Went to the sushi area and started pressing the raw food for fun....
Haha, so fun!!! So soft!!! :]
Later saw like hell a lot of ppl eating Ben&Jerry ice cream..
Went to check out....
Eat free ice cream also..
Near the ice cream area, saw my sis friend...
Didn't there to acknowledge her,feel kinda paiseh
Went to the cashier and buy finish things...
All my mum's money flew away.... :[
Went to comic connection and check if Kaichou wa Maid-sama came out
The 7 volume is out!!!!!!! Freakin happy :]
Fetch my bros home....
Sis had to rush off to her friends party...
My sis damn crappy... Say what come back in a flash... Come back like 11pm...
Aiyo... Later still gotta study cos exam coming....
Dun feel like studying....
I think cannot make it to top 20 in the level already....
Mid year got 13 place in the level.... Quite good la
This time arh......
Labels: Manga, Studying
Signed off @ | 2:20 PM

Thursday, October 1, 2009
*.* Rumors.... *.*
There's this rumor going on lately....
It's about me and this guy call Reuben.
Thanks to Iris's big mouth whole of 1B and 1C knows!
Aiyo....I dunno what's wrong with me
Feeling damn paiseh....
It freaks me out and I'm confused!!!
Help, Cassine and Deborah!
So far you are the only two people that can help me!!!!
Going crazy soon...
Anyway, thanks Iris for your big mouth....
Labels: Rumor
Signed off @ | 5:28 PM