*.* HOLIDAYS *.*
It's the school holidays!!!
But it' damn boring...
I nearly died of boredom yesterday.
That's why I keep myself free by doing the uncompleted maths work.
Today went to school for maths remedial class.
Followed by some leader's workshop.
The workshop was damn funny
I was laughing so badly until my stomach hurts
Currently blogging at school
Attended this course
Actually there's other courses but the others were too boring
So the facebook and blogging is the m,ost interesting one.
Okay, post another time then.
Signed off @ | 2:48 PM

*.* Common test results *.*
Recently got back my results.
English: Improved from 32/100 to 72/100 :)
Maths: 29/40
Chinese: Falied
Science: 36/50
I can't believe I didn't get top for maths.
I was quite disappointed.
I was really happy for my english as I have improved a lot compared to the last common test.
Science also improved a bit.
The next common test I must strive for the best.
Today was damn funny :)
Clare and Cassine were going gaga over this super cute hot guy.
It's such a pity because we didn't even notice him last year and only recently realized he existed.
And the weirdest thing: He's starting to get famous cause all the girls want his number!!! HAHAHA.
Anyway, today history was freaking fun for Clare and I.
While waiting for Cassine to come up with the photocopied papers, Clare and I were like bitching about some people in our class.
I can't say exactly bitching but yup, we did it.
Saying that they changed a lot and became bitchier than before, but they themselves don't even realize the change.
I hate people like this, freaking irritated.
Came back from camp recently and don't know why I was damn pissed and irritated by someone.
Oh ya, by the way, THE SEC ONE CAMP WAS WAY AWESOME!!!
THE SEC ONE'S ROCK TO THE CORE!!! *claps claps claps*
Although there were many insects crawling here and there, and some ants even bit me, but it was damn fun.
We tried our best to bond the class together and guess what?
I successfully did it.
The trainer said that although there was this class that was very unco-operative on the first day, they managed to bond with each other at the end of the third day.
And guess what class is that?
Oh yeah, IT'S 1F!!!!
Love everyone in the class.
All very kind students, except for some that are super irritating.
If we are lucky next time to meet again, then...GOOD :)
Anyway, today CO sucks.
The teacher scolded us for going to camp.
What kind of crapness is that?
Freaking irritated by her.
Came home, bathe, eat dinner and started slacking.
Was freaking tired so decided to use sis com.
Used, currently blogging about my day.
Freaking tired now, gotta go sleep :)
Love you guys too much :) <3
Signed off @ | 10:13 PM

*.* Cross country!!! *.*
Tomorrow's the cross country!!!
So random, with all the caps name.
Currently blogging(obvious)
Later going to complete most of my maths homework
Cos missed monday, tuesday and wednesday maths lesson.
Homework due thursday.
OMG!!! Going to sec 1 camp!!!
Hope that me, deborah and cassine same group and same class!
If the same then its damn good :)
Just now during Julia Gabriel
Totally screwed the talk about why smoking cigarettes should be illegal.
I keep looking down at the paper.
But overall, I think it's okay.
Not so bad because I manage to talk until 3 minutes about there.
Purposely came late for english remedial.
Started doing this excercise thingy.
I read a passage and start doing the exercises on this piece of worksheet.
Ms Tan said the last had to carry the books down.
Everyone started rushing.
I rushed too.
But didn't make a lot of mistakes.
But luckily, Mathias being the kind soul and gentleman,
stayed back and helped Ms Tan carry the heavy pile of books.
In the end, Angie was the last to finish.
Cassine, Deborah, Winnie, Fizah, Angelica and I went off first.
Deborah, Fizah, Angelica and I took the lift down and competed with the rest to see who can reach the ground floor faster.
In the lift, we heard Cassine laughing so loudly and we predicted that they would try to scare us!
HAHAHAHA!!! Epic failure!!!
Okay that's about all for today
I'll post on the next available time.
Labels: epic fail, friends, gentleman, julia gabriel, kind soul, laughing, school, screwed, teacher
Signed off @ | 5:14 PM

*.* E-learning *.*
Managed to post after such a long period of time.
E-learning is so damn boring and hard.
I rather go to school then stay at home.
First the English
Can't read poster activity
After such a long time then able to read.
The forum...
Mr Tan is so damn lame...
Must post at least two replies.
History not so bad. Quite easy.
Don't talk about it...
I don't understand a single instruction given by the maths teachers.
In the end I had to print and pass it up to Miss Lim tomorrow.
Now still lunch break so got time to post.
Later is science.
Hope it's not so complicated like maths.
By the way, tomorrow's COMMON TEST!!!!!
Studied most of it that's required.
But science, no matter how hard I tried to study, just cannot make it.
So sad for CLARE TAN MEI YIN...
Her birthday is on the last day of common test.
Not so bad.
In case you are seeing this.
Cause I think I can't use com and wish you happy birthday on your birthday...
OMG!!! What am I talking??!! It's so damn random...
Okay gotta go now.
If I got free time, I'll try to post...
Labels: common test, E-learning, english, happy birthday, history, maths, science
Signed off @ | 12:19 PM